
Why Translation is Essential for the Medical Industry

Accurate translations are essential to any business with a global reach. This is especially true in the pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device industries. The consequences of inaccurate software translations in these fields go beyond stalling research and production effort: If certain key documents, processes, and related softwares are mistranslated, patients could be harmed.


That’s one of many reasons why drafting the initial English versions of any medical documents with care and precision is important. The clearer the original document, the easier it is to translate to another language.


Additionally, it’s necessary to hire professional translators that are subject matter experts (SMEs) within the medical field and familiar with jargon. Being fluent in the target language isn’t enough; they must also be able to convey the intent and technical aspects of the original English document with absolute accuracy.


Poorly translated documents affect the organization, too. For example, these could deter investors that may fear mistranslations will lead to safety issues and costly litigation. To minimize the risk, companies must ensure all translated documents and software are carefully edited and reviewed by medical translation professionals before they are officially released.


Understanding the Field


Medical translators must understand the nuanced language of the industry. They should also have a deep and thorough understanding of the target region’s regulations, laws, and subtle linguistic variations.


For added security, it’s wise to hire a translator that is familiar with the specific subject matter. For instance, perhaps a company is conducting clinical trials of a new drug for diabetes patients. Ideally, their translator would have an MSc or PhD related to pharmaceuticals, experience drafting or reviewing clinical trial documents, and experience in treating or studying diabetes.


This same principle applies to regulatory documents, pharmaceutical labels, and any other documents or softwares that could put patients or the company at risk if a translation error were to occur.


The Importance of Quality


Keep in mind that official medical documents are not the only materials for which accurate translations are essential. After all, a company’s promotional materials, web presence, and general software often provide a client with their first impression. If they notice a translation error, they may assume the company doesn’t meet their rigorous standards for professionalism and quality.


The potential consequences this article outlines represent a mere fraction of the risks involved in poorly translated medical documents. When companies within these industries hire professional, experienced medical interpreters, they’re ensuring accuracy, quality, and safety for both themselves and the public.

Chinese Interpreters and Translators

Over 20% of the world’s population, more than 1 billion people, speak the Chinese language. This makes it the most spoken language in the world, with a great deal of impact on world commerce. Lichi Translations has extensive experience with the Chinese language, having provided translation and interpretation services to many types of organizations for over 20 years.

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Chinese Interpreters and Translators



Over 20% of the world’s population, more than 1 billion people, speak the Chinese language. This makes it the most spoken language in the world, with a great deal of impact on world commerce.


Lichi Translations has extensive experience with the Chinese language, having provided translation and interpretation services to many types of organizations for over 20 years.


Our team of Chinese-speaking translators provides services that help to overcome communication challenges for companies looking to prepare marketing documentations, legal paperwork, financial statements, training manuals, technical documents, etc.


Our team of Chinese speakers is available globally and will be happy to provide interpretation services anywhere around the world, for business meetings, conference lectures, training courses, etc.


The importance of using Chinese-speaking translators and interpreters, especially during business trips

The Chinese language includes several languages such as: Cantonese, Mandarin and Hakan. Mandarin, however, is the most popular dialect and is considered the official language of the People’s Republic of China and the standard language of commerce in Taiwan.


Business people on business trips usually need experienced interpreters who know the local language and culture, in order to make the most of any sales opportunities and avoid offensive behavior.
A wrong phrase or word used by the Chinese translator/interpreter can change the impact of your document or the tone of your business discussion and disrupt the entire engagement.


How to choose the right translator/interpreter, when you don’t know Chinese
1. Experience. Find out what the company/individual’s experience in the field is and don’t be shy to ask for their CV.
2. Education / background. Assign the job to a Chinese speaker who understands your business and has the relevant background. A translator who has no technical knowledge will have great difficulty in translating your user manual correctly.
3. Ask for recommendations. An experienced person will gladly comply with this request.
Maybe your team members or colleagues have had experience with a professional and can point you in the right direction.
4. Interview. Speak to the translator or the agency’s account manager. Prepare a list of questions and gain an impression of their work.
5. Test. Give the company or the individual a short sample text and send it to colleagues for review.
6. Availability. Find out the schedules and availability for jobs with short term and long term obligations. This will provide both you and the translator with an idea of what’s required.


Need a second opinion? Got a Chinese translation job at hand? Speak to Lichi Translation today and we promise to provide the highest quality service, along with superb schedule accommodation.

Graphic Design and Translations

Organizations looking to create marketing materials for their international offices can clearly see a direct correlation between graphic design and the impact of the translated text. The human eye enjoys reading content that is presented in an attractive format. If the text is cramped and untidy, the reader may simply skip the content, whereas if the material is well-arranged and inviting, the reader will be more inclined to read it and even enjoy the content.


Design, graphic, designer.



Lichi Translations’ account managers have compiled a list of guidelines regarding the interplay of graphics and text. It’s well worth reading before beginning your project:


Design and translated text:
1. Marketing, legal and technical materials (presentations, contracts, manuals, brochures, websites, business cards, etc.). Preparing any type of documentation requires graphic layout that matches the type of document. A contract includes a lot of text on the page, while a brochure contains much less text and more images and color.
2. No matter what document you have, it must be positioned correctly after the translation job is finished.
3. Layout must take into consideration
  a. font type, size and color,
  b. numbering and bullets, and paragraph spacing
  c. images or photos
  d. branding details, such as logo and corporate colors
  e. empty spaces between text and graphics, so the material can ‘breath’
  f. different layout for different types of documents.
4. Products and packaging – The length of the translation may also be a key consideration when it comes to the product design. The product description may need more space, the style and colors may need adjustment in order to be more eye-catching, and the target country’s regulations may require a change in shipping sizes.
5. Dress codes (interpreters) – Although this is not really graphic design, it is related to appearance. It is extremely important for translators and interpreters to dress appropriately for the job at hand. This is especially important during court appearances, training sessions with foreigners and business meetings.


The importance of ‘look & feel’ adjustments during translation jobs
A) Cultural differences – Some countries and cultures may find certain graphic design offensive to their religion, politics, or even cultural standards. Others design details may be particularly appropriate: the color red, for example, for a Chinese target audience.
B) Text length – Given the fact that some languages may be lengthier, it’s important to add or omit graphics in order to adjust to the brochure space.
C) Sales impact – Translating word for word is not as effective as conveying the messages. The same goes for choosing the right images to go with the translated text.


In addition to all types of translations, Lichi Translations can also provide graphic design services. Ask us today about assistance with your next job!

Missing Out on Potential Customers

For the past couple of decades, countries have opened their borders increasingly to foreigners, and in doing so, have strengthened business and travel relations. This trend has opened doors to a completely new public, including many potential new customers!


These open borders may be either virtual or physical. For example, Europeans may be buying products online through Amazon or eBay, or Chinese tourists travelling to Australia to shop in the malls and enjoy a vacation. Given these sales opportunities, new business prospects are now considerable, but many opportunities may be lost due to language barriers.


Is your business losing out financial opportunities due to communication gaps?

Definitely! Here’s how…






Tourists walking in malls, traveling on public transport or eating at restaurants can also read advertisements. However, if these ads are not in their language or don’t address them as potential customers, they are likely to be ignored. For example, if banks don’t translate and adapt their brochures, potential customers may not invest their money. If a restaurant menu isn’t translated or the food isn’t adapted to cultural needs (e.g., vegetarian for Indians or less spicy for Europeans), they’ll order less or maybe not even take a look inside.







The Toister Ranch – a good example of how to adapt to tourists


This is a family-owned boutique business, established in 1890, that produces exclusive Israeli olive oil. “The number of Chinese tourists visiting Israel is growing all the time. During their visit they hope to get a sense of the land, culture, and food. We understood that and decided to adapt our materials in Hebrew and English to Chinese in order to make them feel at home, just like we welcome our local visitors. Speaking in their language and providing them Chinese materials is sure to make them feel more comfortable. Lichi Translation helped us do that, thanks to their professional translation services.”


olive oil


What steps can your business take to avoid losing out on business due to language barriers?


  1. Change the sales pitch – present the product/service’s advantages in a manner adapted to your potential customers. Don’t sell products/services that these customers don’t need (e.g., a watermelon cutter to tourists who don’t eat watermelons); find out what they do need and what you can sell them.
  2. Personal assistance – it’s always advisable to have a live person to service potential customers. So, make sure you have dedicated multilingual personnel on board, ready to understand and accommodate the traveler’s needs.
  3. Train your staff – send your staff to regular training sessions on the culture and language of your potential market.
  4. Adapt marketing material – translate your advertisements, adapt your website, and create brochures suited to the relevant languages.
  5. Provide easy payment options – minimize payment difficulties and ease money transfer. You may have to be willing to accept payment in foreign currencies or partner with other banking services.


If you are in the tourist industry and would like to attract more tourists to your site, contact us today and we will assist you with your website, marketing collateral, brochures, and translate your advertising material.


Lichi Translation has wide experience with international organizations. We provide interpretation services, written translations, video subtitles, etc. Contact us today for help in overcoming the language barrier.



Read more for a customer testimonial from the tourist industry.


Types of Translations

The world has evolved to become a large global arena, bringing together different cultures, traditions and languages. So, how do companies correctly communicate messages in such a diverse arena?
The answer lays in translations and its types of.

What are the different types of translations used to bridge the communication and cultural gaps?


1. Written Translations
This category can be further divided into sub-requirements.
However, the general meaning is taking any written documentation (legal, medical, technical, patents, websites, books …etc.) in any language and translating it to the required message. Attention to detail, knowledge of cultural differences, and field expertise is vital in the process in order to get the ultimate results.


The length and layout of the translated documents are often not the same, as some languages require more text and description in order to communicate the message across.


2. Interpretations
There are two types of interpretations – Simultaneous and consecutive. In general, they both require a live person, with field expertise and specialized skills, to pass on spoken messages. The service is normally used for meetings, business delegations, international events, training employees from different countries, and so on. The two types of interpretations have distinct differences and must be adapted to the translation goal and need.


3. Localization
To localize any material from one language to another means to adapt it to the target country and language. It gives special attention to the cultural difference through different phrasing and design. It is not a literal translation of each word to the target language, but rather it’s a written interpretation of the messages it wishes to put across.
Many international corporations use this service for presentations, brochures and websites in order to improve sales target in a specific country.


4. Transcripts & Subtitles
Video clips have become a very big market, as the online world moves forward. In fact, people now prefer to watch a short movie rather than read texts and texts of messages. It is therefore a simple solution to insert subtitles and transcripts of videos created, given YouTube’s easy platform.
Rather than creating a brand new video clip, which can take up many resources, companies prefer to use transcripts and subtitles.


Contact Lichi Translations for your next translation project!

An Interpreter in the Courtroom

A discussion with Aviva Galai, attorney and mediator, at Lev Natarevich & Co. Law Office, specializing in insurance and tort litigation


aviva portrait2


During a court trial, clear communication between all parties, including the judge, the lawyers, the complainant and the respondent, is vital.


But what happens when the complainant is not a native speaker of the language? Can this affect the course of the trial? The answer is most definitely – yes!


This is the challenge faced by Aviva Galai, a lawyer at the Lev Natarevich & Co. Law Office.



Aviva’s firm, based in Israel, frequently handles cases of immigrants from Russian and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Most of them, particularly the older generation, do not communicate well in Hebrew and are often left to deal on their own with government offices and documentation and local authority bureaucracy.


Such was the case with one of Aviva’s clients.


The client, a woman in her 50s with little knowledge of Hebrew, was given an 80% disability rating by the Israel National Insurance Institute ,which made her eligible for various financial aid benefits, including a mobility allowance and a loan toward the cost of  a car. In her case, since she could not drive on her own, she was assigned a designated driver– her partner.


To prevent abuse of this benefit, the National Security Institute would visit her house every 3 years to make sure that she was still living with the same partner and that he wasn’t driving the car for his own personal use.


Miscommunication led to discontinuation of the financial aid

Over the years, these home visits went smoothly and no problems arose with the allowance.

However, on the last visit, in 2015, the inspectors questioned the woman, in Hebrew of course, while she was home alone without anyone to translate for her, leading to a total misunderstanding of her situation. The inspector understood from her that she was no longer in a relationship with her partner, which meant that she was no longer entitled to mobility aid, and, therefore, he canceled the benefit. His assessment of the situation was, of course, mistaken, and the lady turned to Aviva for legal assistance.


“This disabled woman came to my office and explained in Russian exactly what took place during the official’s visit,” said Aviva. “Apparently the inspector noticed that the lady and her partner no longer sleep in the same bed, but didn’t understand that it was due to the pain she suffered at night. He was still taking care of her, and sharing his life with her as before, but that night he wanted to give her some space so slept in another room. My client was very upset as she couldn’t understand or communicate satisfactorily, and now the financial aid she depends on so much was no longer there.”


Turning to Lichi Translation for help in the court room

At this point Ms. Galai took the case to court in an effort to win back her client’s allowance. She turned to Lichi Translations in order to assign the best interpreter available.


“There are several requirements that a court interpreter must fulfill. Although they don’t need to be up-to-date with legal terminology, they must be able to concentrate very well.  Everyone speaks quickly, and the interpreter needs to listen to different important messages that are being spoken at the same time. My client, for example, speaks very quickly and so did the rest of the courtroom attendees.


Every single word has a tremendous impact in the courtroom.

“Some words can actually have a double meaning, and this is why Lichi Translations must ensure we get the right person for the job,” says Aviva. “In Russian, the word ‘friend’ can also be translated as ‘lover’. In this particular case, this was a vital point. We had to prove that my client and her life partner were still lovers, sharing their lives and supporting one another. If the translator didn’t succeed in clarifying that in court, the case might well be lost. The judge even asked the interpreter directly to explain the different meanings of the word ‘friend’ in Russian.”

What was the outcome? Well, the wheels of justice turn slowly, but I’ll keep you posted…


For more information on Lichi Translation and how we help law firms around the world with legal interpretation or document translation, contact us today!

English – Hebrew Translations

Translators and interpreters all recognize the fact that the Hebrew language is a vastly different from English. The two languages’ origins are dissimilar, they sound different, are written with different characters and spoken in a different cultural context.

So what are the challenges in translating from English to Hebrew or vice versa?

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Simultaneous Translation

Does your organization need it?

Quite often, clients contact us for simultaneous interpretation but aren’t always aware that what they are actually asking for is consecutive translation and vice versa.  These two services are extremely different and require a totally different setup. So let’s clear things up.

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Website Content & Translations

In today’s world, the internet, specifically websites, represent the appearance of the company. Regardless of the product or service sold, a website is the first place potential customers look at, and examine extensively before making the purchase. They will look at the graphic images, the messages portrayed, and the online recommendations!

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